Friday, May 20, 2011

Buff striped keelback

Amphiesma stolatum (Linnaeus 1758)                                                                         Non venomous
English name Buff Striped Keel back snake
Sinhala name Aharakukka
Family Colubridae
Sub family Natricinae
Appearence A mid sized snake with head distinctive from neck, and a comparetively long tail. eyes with bright circular pupils
Colour Mainly the body is yellowish brown colour in many, head can be from grey to olive colour. Two yellow longitudinal lines can be seen from the neck to the end of the tail. Light brown or dark yellow stripes could be seen running dorsolaterally. Golden eye pupils can ne seen. Skin in between scales could be blue to red in colour

Behavior a very fast snake which is diurnal. Aestivate on dry seasons.when threatened show the blue or red skin within the skin and flatens the body , sometimes may show death feigning. Have records of escaping by breaking it's own tail when caught by tail. Almost doesnt try to bite when threatened

Keels present
Preoculars 1
Postoculars 3
Temporals 1+1 or 1+2
Midbody scales 19
Ventrals 118 - 161
Sub caudals 46 - 89

Venom non venomous & does'nt try to bite

Breeding & Growth oviparous, can lay about 5 to 15 eggs at once

Food Insects & frogs are the main diet of this snake. Sometimes fish & insect larvae are also taken as food
Found in mainly near water bodies and farmlands like paddy field. Commonly found near human recidencies & forests

Distribution all over the island in all wet, dry and intermediate zones. A very common snake in Sri Lanka and many Asian countries including India