Naja naja (Linnaeus 1758) Highly venomous
English name Spectacled Cobra
Sinhala name Naya , Naagaya
Family Elapidae
Behavior Although said to be diurnal, this snake has both crepuscular & nocturnal habitats. Mainly terrestial but have the abilities to climb trees and swim. A very active snake which always tries to escape from trouble. When escape impossible hoods up and shows the spectacle markings on the head, then hises as a warning and attacks. When attacking the snake can lift 1/3 of it's body and can attack any object within a circle with the height of the hood raised as the radius of the circle
Keels present
Preoculars 1
Postoculars 3
Temporals 1+1 or 1+2
Midbody scales 19
Ventrals 118 - 161
Sub caudals 46 - 89
English name Spectacled Cobra
Sinhala name Naya , Naagaya
Family Elapidae
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Fully grown snake |
Appearence streatching the ribs of the neck region.A large sized snake with a cylindrical body with a small flatened head which is distinct from the body . Hoods up when threatens by
Colour Many colour variations could be seen within this species from yellowish brown to dark brown and black dorsally. And with white thin cross bars . when considering the ventral region dark bands can be seen in neck area and they dissapear in the midbody area creating a blured design of dark brown. A marking which is more similar to a spectacle is seen dosally which is also similar to the ප (pa) letter in sinhalese alphabet. In the ventral side of these markings two dark patches appear within the two sides of the hood . Some specimens are found with different markings like triangilar shapes rarely. Some may contain more markings like lines with the spectacle marking. Albino Cobras are also found which are white in colour.Behavior Although said to be diurnal, this snake has both crepuscular & nocturnal habitats. Mainly terrestial but have the abilities to climb trees and swim. A very active snake which always tries to escape from trouble. When escape impossible hoods up and shows the spectacle markings on the head, then hises as a warning and attacks. When attacking the snake can lift 1/3 of it's body and can attack any object within a circle with the height of the hood raised as the radius of the circle
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Marking on the head |
Keels present
Preoculars 1
Postoculars 3
Temporals 1+1 or 1+2
Midbody scales 19
Ventrals 118 - 161
Sub caudals 46 - 89
A highly venomous snake responsible for large number of human mortalities each year caused by snake bites. Has proteroglphous (fixed) fangs. Venom is neutrotoxic which can cause muscle paralyzis which could lead to respiratory failure. After a bite symptoms of envenomation can begin within 15min - 2hrs time. The bitten region gets swollen and sometimes necrosis may occur.Vomiting feeling , Ptosis an difficulties in breathing also happen when it comes to the fatal stage. If not given correct treatments by time the patient may die.
Currently a polyvalent anti venom is used in Sri lanka for the treatmant of bites from highly venomous snakes including the Cobra
Currently a polyvalent anti venom is used in Sri lanka for the treatmant of bites from highly venomous snakes including the Cobra
Breeding & growth
Breeding season is from April to July, courtship dances could be seen during that time.Oviparous, lays 5 - 25 eggs where females guard the eggs till they hatch. Communal nesting is on record.
New borns measure 150mm - 300mm. Avarage size of a fully grown cobra is about 1000-1500mm
New borns measure 150mm - 300mm. Avarage size of a fully grown cobra is about 1000-1500mm
The mainstay diet of this snake is other snakes & rodents. But frog, birds, fish & eggs of reptiles and birds are also consumed.
Found in a range of habitats that vary from natural habitats like rainforests to man made habitats like farmlands. Mostly spend time in places with moisture like termite mounds, underground holes and tree hollows. Even enter to houses in search of their mainstay prey rodents. Could even be found in highly populated cities.
Distribution All around Sri lanka except the high mountaneous areas & also found in India , Nepal, Bhutan, Afghanisthan & Pakisthan
A snake which is revered as deity in many cultures due to the great respect and fear the peoples has toward the Cobra. And also many mythical & folk stories are based on this snake. Snake charmers who can be seen in sri lanka and along India use this snake for their livelihood by making the snake perform infront of the public saying that it dances to the music of the flute. But the thing here is that the snake shakes it self because of the vibration given by the the charmer by tapping his foot on the ground.